
Sacred products only use Full Spectrum CBD sourced from hemp plants.
Sacred CBD has two forms of products: topical and oral.


New Year’s Wellness Resolutions

The New Year is almost here, which means it’s time to start thinking about your resolutions to get the most out of the year ahead. While things like work accomplishments or finishing home projects are great, here at Sacred we believe that the most powerful resolutions are tied to our wellness. When we optimize our wellness, we have more energy, focus, and clarity to help us maximize productivity and enjoy quality times with our loved ones.

So, this year, we’ve created this list of New Year’s resolutions to help inspire you to put your wellness first all year long! Read on to find your inspiration for a happy and healthy 2022.

  • Carve Out Time for Self-Care: It’s important to give yourself credit for balancing work, family, and everything else that life brings your way. At the same time, it’s also important to nurture your body, mind, and soul daily so you can stay energized during the day, get the quality of sleep you need at night, and then do it all again the following day. In today’s “always on” world, it’s easy to keep pushing yourself to the bottom of the priority list. But remember that when you take care of yourself that you’ll be better positioned to take care of others. This year, create your own customized self-care routine that lets you take breaks, curb stress and anxiety, and maintain the balance you need.
  • Stick To a Workout Routine: Yes, we know that this item is on just about every New Year’s Resolution list – but that’s because it’s important! Not only does daily movement help you stay on track with your health goals, but it also helps boost your mood by releasing serotonin and helps you get deeper and more restful sleep. It’s much easier to stick to a daily workout routine if a) you enjoy your activities and b) you have some variety to avoid boredom. For example, if you love yoga that should be your every-other-day workout with more cardio-focused routines or even brisk walking in between. And, when it comes to post-workout recovery you can grab our signature CBD Infused Pain Balm to fast and effective muscle relief.
  • Kick a Bad Habit: Let’s be realistic – you are not likely to stop every single bad habit you have at the same time. So, try focusing on just one this year. And we aren’t just talking about eating junk food or scrolling social media late at night (which are good “bad habits” to break). We are also talking about bad habits that impact your mental health such as overscheduling, putting too much pressure on yourself, and not saying “no” frequently enough. Start by writing down all of the bad habits you’d like to change, then pick the top one that’s impacting your life and focus on that. You can always move down the list once you make the necessary changes.
  • Give Yourself Grace: We are human. This means we fumble, make mistakes, and face regrets from time-to-time. Instead of beating yourself up and obsessing over things you can’t go back and change – try giving yourself some grace. Start by acknowledging what went wrong and what caused it. Then, make note of what you can do differently in the future to avoid the same situation. Finally, allow yourself to accept the learning and then let go of any anger or resentment you feel and instead take pride in turning your situation into an important life lesson. Not only can this practice help reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also help you take on a more positive attitude even when things get tough.

With these wellness-focused New Year’s resolutions, you can help start the year off on the right track! And remember, no one does it alone! If you need a little help curating your daily wellness routine, Sacred is here to help with our natural, full spectrum CBD wellness products. Just click here to start shopping.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.